Three Things that will change your life (Best Motivational article)

Three Things that will change your life

In this world every person has some or more problems which she
or he facing in every daily life. Every person tries escape or solves his
or her life problems. Everyone wants to change life, But s/he can’t
do or can’t success in it. Here I want to give you some best points
to change your life.

Three Things that will change your life (Best Motivational article)
Photo by Pok Rie from Pexels

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A True Motivational Story of Colonel Harland David Sanders, who founded KFC Updated (2024)

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 Who was Colonel Harland David Sanders?

let’s know some of the unbelievable facts about a person who struggle almost
all the time of  his life and never give
up. Colonel Harland David Sanders was his name. But after that I want to ask
you that. do you know who started KFC or Kentucky Fried Chicken? Don’t know!? So
don’t worry here I also give you surprised answer of it. Just you have to read
this article till the end.

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A True Motivational Story of A Wise Boy – A moral short story

 A Wise Boy

(Today I’m going to write a short story for you. Its a moral kind of story. I hope you will enjoy it.)

Edward was a boy, studding in secondary school. He has many
class-fellows some of them were his best friends. On a weekend, he and his
three best friends went into a forest. All of them were enjoying the nature
beauty and wild animals. Suddenly they saw a lion coming toward them. They all
were frightened and has fear of lion.

All of them knew climbing trees except Edward. So
his three friends ran up to a tree and climbed up quickly. They did not think
of Edward.

Edward did not know tree climbing and he was so

Just in a moment Edward had an idea in his
mind.  He think animals do not prefer to
eat dead bodies. Quickly fell to the ground and held his breath for some moment.
The lion sniffed him and thought he was dead. So, he went away.

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His friends asked Edward, ” What did the
lion whisper into your ears?”

Edward replied, “The lion tell me that to
keep away from friends like all of you” and went on his way.

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